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Evil Eye Beaded Bracelet


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The concept and the significance of the evil eye are especially prominent in the Mediterranean and West Asia. The evil eye is a “look” or “stare” that is believed to bring bad luck to the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislikes.

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Tell us about the history of the evil eye.

A quasi-universal symbol of protection, the evil eye is referred to as μάτι (mati) in Greek. The concept and the significance of the evil eye are especially prominent in the Mediterranean and West Asia.

The evil eye is a “look” or “stare” that is believed to bring bad luck to the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislikes. The perception of the nature of the phenomenon, its causes, and possible protective measures, varies between tribes and cultures. The evil eye is a talisman that is meant to protect you from these evil spirits.

The evil eye is a ‘look’ or ‘stare’ believed to bring bad luck to the person at whom it is directed

Belief in it—“mati”—dates back to Greek Classical antiquity, to at least the 6th century B.C. when it appeared on drinking vessels. It is referenced by Plato, Hesiod, Plutarch, and many more classical authors who attempted both to describe and explain the function of the evil eye.

Plutarch’s scientific explanation stated that the eyes were the chief, if not sole, source of the deadly rays that were supposed to spring up like poisoned darts from the inner recesses of a person possessing the evil eye. It is a curse or legend believed to be cast by this malevolent glare and usually given to a person when they are unaware.

An evil eye is a talisman or amulet, designed in the shape of an eye, traditionally in the colors blue or green, that indicate spiritual protection. These talismans or evil eye “repellents” come in different shapes and forms as pendants, bracelets, earrings, and rings. Or can be hanging in a glass bead form over the main door or entrance of someone’s home to keep the hearth protected.

As a designer, besides the talismanic aspect, what is so alluring about this shape?

Aside from its symbolism, which I embrace, for me, the eyes are the most powerful and meaningful part of the human body. People’s eyes always fascinate me and that is what inspires me in creating a piece of jewelry that imitates the shape of the eye and hopefully also incorporates its strength of it.

Have you seen an increase in interest right now? If so, how do you explain it?

The evil eye has always been a bestseller as people associate it very much with our brand. We have in fact seen an increase in sales for our evil eyes since Covid-19 and I think this is mainly due to the need for people to acquire something that would boost good luck and protection in these difficult times.

What’s the most classic evil eye design and what is your most creative interpretation of it?

My most iconic evil eye design is the Dawn Pendant. This is the pendant that I was wearing in the winter of 2000 at a big birthday party of a friend of mine in New York. Everybody started asking me what this was, as at the time the evil eye and its meaning were unknown to most people in the U.S., and over 10 people ordered it that same evening.

That triggered the idea to develop the collection and present it to Barney’s, asking them to include them in the selection they had made for that season. I had to brief all the salespeople of the Madison store when they received them 6 months later, so they would be able to explain to their customers the symbolism of the eye.

I believe that my most creative interpretation of the eye is the “Crying Eyes” Collection. The Eye has often taken a symbolic form in my work. One day, the moment came for these eyes to come to life and express themselves in a more personal, emotional way. The embrace of this daring approach brought new life and dimension to my work, bringing them “to life” to express tears of both sadness and joy.


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