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Hamsa Hand Pendant Bracelet


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The Hamsa Hand or Hand of Fatima is an ancient Middle Eastern talisman. In all religions it is a protective symbol. It is a talismanic symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against the evil eye and bring them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck, and good health.

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The Hamsa Hand or Hand of Fatima is an ancient Middle Eastern talisman. In all religions, it is a protective symbol. It is a talismanic symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against the evil eye and bring them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck, and good health.

The Hamsa symbol is often depicted as a symmetrical hand, with fingers pressed close together, either facing upwards or downwards. Sometimes, it features an eye at the center of the palm, which is the Nazar boncugu, believed to repel the evil eye.

The Hamsa Hand is one of the oldest symbols in history, dating back several thousand of years. It’s believed to pre-date all major religions, many of which later adapted the symbol to represent some aspect of the religion.

Scholars believe that the Hamsa originated in Mesopotamia and Carthage, where it was used as an amulet to repel the evil eye, a concept that existed in a wide range of cultures. From there, it spread geographically to become a globally recognized image. Generally, it acts as a good luck charm.

In general, the Hamsa hand is a symbol of protection, warding off evil and keeping the user safe. The way you wear the symbol also carries meaning.

  • A Hamsa facing downwards symbolizes abundance and prosperity, inviting good things to come into your life. An upside-down Hamsa also is seen as a blessing for fertility as well as a means of receiving answered prayers. Generally, the fingers are close together when facing down.
  • A Hamsa facing upwards acts as a talisman against evil and any malicious intent. Additionally, it acts as a shield against any negative thoughts and feelings you may have about yourself and others, including feelings such as greed, jealousy, and hatred. The fingers are sometimes spread apart symbolizing the warding off of evil.

However, like any other symbol, it should be no surprise that the Hand of Fatima has acquired new meanings as it was integrated into different religions and beliefs. The Hamsa is that rare symbol that makes an appearance in all the world’s major religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each of these religions adopted the Hamsa and gave it its own interpretation. Additionally, outside of religious circles, the Hand of Fatima has gained a more general understanding.

  • Hamsa in Christianity: Within the Catholic denomination, there is a loose linking of the Hamsa Hand with the Virgin Mary, who represents strength, compassion, and the feminine. It also reflects the concept of Mary being exalted above all else and as a benevolent mother towards all. In the wider Christian community, the eye in the center is replaced with the Christian symbol of the fish, the vesica piscis. It is a symbol of protection against those who wish to do you harm.
  • Hamsa in Hinduism and Buddhism: In these faiths, the Hamsa is often taken to represent the chakras (which are the energy centers that run along the spine), the energy that flows between these centers, and the specific hand gestures on forms while meditating or practicing yoga so as to redirect energy. Each of the five fingers has an energy, and the five particular mudras associated with the Hamsa are:
  1. Thumb: The solar plexus chakra and fire element
  2. Forefinger: The heart chakra and air
  3. Middle finger: The throat chakra and ethereal elements
  4. Ring finger: The root chakra and earth element
  5. Pinkie finger: The sacral chakra and water.
  • Hamsa Hand in Judaism: In Judaism, the Hamsa’s value comes from its connection to the number 5, which has holy associations in the faith. Five is the number of holy books in the Torah, it’s one of God’s names and it also reminds the wearer to use their five senses to praise God.
  • Hamsa in Islam: Within the Muslim community, the Hamsa Hand takes on the same meaning as that found in other cultures in the Middle East. That is, the Hand of Fatima is an amulet to ward off the evil eye and protect the wearer from curses. However, the five fingers of the Hand of Fatima can also represent the five pillars of Islam:
  1. Faith and the belief that there is only one God and one Prophet
  2. Prayer which is obligatory
  3. Alms which are compulsory giving to help others
  4. Fasting during the month of Ramada to enhance one’s spirituality and connection to God
  5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • A Generalised Interpretation:  Because of the Hamsa’s connection with numerous religions, it can be seen as a symbol of unity. Its connection to female figures emphasizes it as a symbol of femininity and compassion. And finally, because the Hamsa had been around before the major religions, it can be considered a pagan or spiritual symbol as well. It’s also a representation of the unity between male and female energies, which come together to bring harmony, balance, and enlightenment.


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