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Green Amazonite Beaded Bracelet


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2 in stock

It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.
  • Single bracelet per order

  • Fair Trade

  • Quality Guaranteed


Amazonite is said to bestow truth, honor, and integrity to its wearer. Amazonite is used to treat fatigue, trauma, or anything else that may take energy away from a person. Amazonite is said to help problems with the thyroid glands and also aids in treating alcoholism.

If you find your monkey mind sometimes acts like shattered glass with fragmented thoughts going here, there, and everywhere, then Amazonite can be the most amazing gemstone for weaving together all those frayed emotional threads. Soothing anxious dispositions and self-destructive thoughts is what Amazonite does best. It’s also a brilliant gemstone to have on hand when you need to pull your self-esteem up by the bootstraps. Connected with the feminine, the Amazonite crystal works directly against habits of self-neglect, inviting you to always put yourself first.

For those who struggle with past trauma, Amazonite can also bring its healing energy to help you step forward. By helping the mind filter out stress and anxiety and learning to let go of that which is not serving us any longer, it helps to patch up old wounds and make things seem much more manageable by breaking down big problems into bite-sized digestible pieces.

All the beautiful emotional words that link with Amazonite are there to be applied first to oneself. Sincerity, love, honesty, integrity, eloquence, and clarity – once we can apply these lush labels to how we interact with ourselves, we are placed in an amazing space to manifest our path of magic in the world. Amazonite is also connected to the heart chakra, the place that streams with light and makes way for love to be given and received. When the heart chakra is blocked it can be a struggle to trust anyone and to open yourself up to let in the kindness that the world has to give, which can have a knock-on effect on your own sense of self-worth and cause destructive patterns to show up time and time again.

Amazonite is an amazing tool for helping disperse all that built-up negative energy from your world. Whether it’s harsh words you hold for yourself, unfair opinions, physical side effects from EMFs, or toxic attitudes from other people, this is a gemstone that will soak that all up and disperse of it in a way that leaves you clear-eyed and positively minded.

  • Soothes anxious thinking
  • Helps with healing past trauma

While crystal healing is an amazing way to boost your emotional and spiritual well-being, Amazonite also brings a range of physical healing benefits to the table. The chilled-out vibes of Amazonite can help to balance out thyroid problems. For those who struggle with a calcium deficiency, Amazonite can effectively help the body to absorb calcium better, bringing a dose of dreamy vitality back to your bones. Along with boosting bone health, higher calcium levels can also help the hair grow shiny and strong.

Amazonite is also exceptional at helping cells to regenerate and can provide the perfect pick-me-up, especially after an illness, injury, or dip in physical health. Rubbing the cooling touch of Amazonite over a rash can also help keep it clean and soothed and those who struggle with skin conditions and even acne may find that Amazonite helps to bring back a flush of clear and vibrant health.

  • Balances thyroid problems
  • Helps cells regenerate

Being a throat chakra stone, Amazonite also invites you to test out crystal clear communication and to practice putting beautifully healthy boundaries in place. It invites you to move out from the fear of the shadow of judgment and to step into the light. Whatever expectations others place upon you are nowhere near as important as the truth of your own heart.

By tapping into both intellect and intuition, Amazonite is able to bring better clarity and authenticity to the soul. When we become comfortable in our skin and connected to our truest selves, this invites us to take a spiritual leap and to open our minds and hearts to infinite possibilities.

  • Connects with the throat chakra
  • Taps into intellect and intuition


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