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Iolite Wand


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Iolite is a vision stone. It clears thought forms, opening intuition. Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction. Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others. Iolite releases discord within relationships.
  • Measurement – 3″ or 7CM
  • Fair Trade
  • Quality Guaranteed


Iolite is a vision stone. It clears thought forms, opening intuition. Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction. Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others. Iolite releases discord within relationships.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Take a deep breath and get ready to plunge into the far-flung corners of yourself as Iolite invites you on a journey of discovery. The vision stone is all about getting to know yourself better so that you can stand strong and true and independent in your power and have all the knowledge and tools you need to throw out your fears. If you feel as though certain events in life have taken you apart and scattered the pieces, Iolite is here to help you recover those missing pieces. It wants you to live a full and vibrant life and it will work its magic to grant you the tools to do that.

For those who have a tendency towards codependency, Iolite will also swoop in to change that mindset. It serves as a gentle reminder that we are the masters of our own choices and can steer our own destinies. It teaches us to self-soothe by reminding us that we don’t need to look outside our own hearts for love, compassion, and assurance. When we let go of codependent ideas we are better equipped to find balance and heal uneven relationships. In the midst of chaos, Iolite helps us to take that big deep cleansing breath and to approach the problem from a place of calm, poise, and positivity.

Physical Healing Properties

Iolite is the perfect mascot for anyone wanting to detox and especially when it comes to alcohol and its side effects. If you feel like you have been sipping one too many wines, having Iolite close at hand can effectively help your body to heal from the after-effects by strengthening the liver and even cutting down on fatty deposits in the body. Iolite is also an amazing tonic for the nerves. If you find yourself feeling jangled or ever on edge, this stormy blue and purple stone will swoop in to calm the heart. Iolite is also known for mopping up migraines, lending a hand when it comes to healthy digestion, and giving the body all the tools it needs to fend off fevers and other ailments. When it comes to insomnia you can also slip Iolite under your pillow and dream in the arms of sweet slumber.

Metaphysical Properties

Astral travel and deep shamanic journeys seem to be the MO of Iolite. This stone beautifully supports psychic abilities and sharpens your inner vision. Iolite has a close-knit connection to the third eye chakra. This is the chakra that sits in the midst of the brow and is the epicenter of our intuition, our inner sight, and relates to how we understand ourselves and the world around us. When the third eye is clear and open we are better attuned to the signs of the universe and we are better equipped to be reflective. The energy of Iolite also seeps up towards the crown chakra, stimulating that cosmic connection with the spirit realm and strengthening clairvoyance skills and the ability to leap to higher plains. While Iolite meaning is mostly attuned to those higher chakras, it also works well with the throat chakra, enticing clear communication that comes from the very true depths of the self. Iolite has also been known to help people unravel their memory banks and past lives.



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