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Crazy Lace Agate Tower
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1 in stock
JOY / STABILITY / CONFIDENCE. Promotes happiness and inner stability. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is also known as the Laughter stone, as it brings joy to whoever wears it.
- Measurement – 7″ or 17CM
- Fair Trade
- Quality Guaranteed
JOY / STABILITY / CONFIDENCE. Crazy Lace Agate promotes happiness and inner stability. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is also known as the Laughter stone, as it brings joy to whoever wears it.
Metaphysical Properties Of Crazy Lace Agate
The metaphysical properties of Crazy Lace Agate include:
- Happiness
- Courage
- Strength
- Creativity
- Good Fortune
- Positive Energy
Is a stone that can be used to promote happiness, laughter, and good fortune.
Why Would You Use Crazy Lace Agate?
If there’s anything you need to know about the Crazy Lace Agate, it’s that it’s a happiness stone!
In case you know this stone by another name, it’s also called Happy Lace, or the Laughter Stone.
Its energies are strong, yet soothing and energizing. It vibrates at a lower frequency compared to other gemstones, which means it can bring your own energy to a more grounded and attuned frequency.
Crazy Lace Agate will show you how to stay present at the moment. No matter how much you’ve got going in your life right now, you will always be able to enjoy the precious little moments!
This stone will fill your life with energies that make you feel well and whole.
It will give you feelings of security and inner stability.
Crazy Lace Agate and Dendritic Agate are calming and soothing stones that promote self-confidence and self-acceptance.
When you wear this stone frequently, your confidence levels will also rise.
It’s also a wonderful meditation tool that will help you achieve emotional harmony.
It’s perfect for people who possess vulnerable or intense emotions.
The stone will clear energy blockages and bring hidden knowledge or information to light.
There will be no dark secrets because you will be courageous enough to come clean right off the bat.
This stone will help you eliminate negative energies and transform them into powerful and uplifting ones.
It will strengthen your body and mind by bringing you peace and calmness.
It will encourage quiet contemplation and reflection on your life experiences, which can lead to inner stability and spiritual growth.
This stone will work to stabilize your aura and filter the energies that try to permeate.
Crazy Lace Agate will boost your concentration and keep you focused on the tasks that you are working on.
It is a powerful protection stone against negative or troublesome spirits and even black magic! It will also protect you from accidents or any other untoward incidents when you’re traveling.
Crazy Lace Agate, Healing, and Health
Crazy Lace Agate is a good stone for general healing purposes. It has a cleansing effect on a physical level, specifically on the pancreas and lymphatic system.
It can bring vitality to your major organs and help strengthen the blood vessels.
It’s known to be a powerful energy booster and stamina builder. It can boost focus and concentration, which also makes it a good stone for people who have ADHD.
It can work best on ailments that affect the endocrine and digestive system, and even the heart.
It can stimulate the digestive process, and it can also be an effective treatment for skin disorders like eczema and acne.
Crazy Lace Agate and Wealth
The stone will help you focus on your financial goals and concentrate on the task at hand.
It will give you better perception and analytical skills and help you find practical solutions.
It can offer protection and guard you against bad things that can affect your wealth and finances. And it will also bring strength and success to your financial endeavors.
The stone will enhance your luck, abundance, and prosperity. You will also enjoy unexpected favors and pleasant surprises just when you need them.
Crazy Lace Agate, Love and Relationships
Crazy Lace Agate will relieve emotional pain and release any kind of emotional baggage.
Whatever hurt or anger you are harboring in your heart will be removed, and you will be able to concentrate your energies on healing and moving on.
It will help you overcome negativity or bitterness, and it will heal you from your hatred, anger, or resentment.
Crazy Lace Agate will soften the blow and soothe the pain of your emotional trauma.
It will show you how you can deal with the loss and the hurt with courage and compassion.
Crazy Lace Agate will help you achieve emotional balance. You will be able to rein in your emotions and react appropriately during intense moments in your relationship.
This stone carries energies of composure and maturity. Even if the situation sucks right now, you will still see the good side. You will still see the sunshine after the rain!
You will experience happiness, stability, and permanence by dissolving any trace of emotional tension and you will be focusing on the blessings and not the problems.
But you will not be denying that there are problems that need to be dealt with, either. It’s all in the attitude!
Crazy Lace Agate will change your perception of love for the better. You will have great inner strength, and you will have acceptance of love.
You will receive energies of longevity. You know that there’s something beautiful in what you share with your partner, so you will carry on loving and fighting for that love.
There will be self-acceptance. You will be happy with who you are, and you will not force yourself to be a completely different person just to make someone happy.
You will not stay silent just to avoid rocking the boat. You will be empowered to speak the truth because you know that the truth will set you free.
Crazy Lace Agate will bring your attention to whatever is ailing your relationship or affecting your and your partner’s well-being.
Once you know what it is, you will be more proactive and find more concrete solutions for them.
You will also be more emotionally protective. You will double your efforts to make sure that your partner is happy and that your relationship is healthy.
You will have no problem giving your partner what they deserve, and they will be the same way with you, too.
With the help of Crazy Lace Agate, you will be enjoying the moment and looking forward to the future.
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