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Garnet Japser Tower


2 in stock

2 in stock

Garnet is the embodiment of the energies of fire, passion, creativity, and strength. As one of the four elementals, the quality of fire exists at very high levels within Garnet crystals. Fire is the spiritual representation of transformation and transmutation.

  • Measurement – 4″ or 10CM
  • Fair Trade
  • Quality Guaranteed


Garnet is the embodiment of the energies of fire, passion, creativity, and strength. As one of the four elementals, the quality of fire exists at very high levels within Garnet crystals. Fire is the spiritual representation of transformation and transmutation.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

The stone of commitment, Garnet is a glorious gem for those seeking a helping hand when it comes to all things relationships. It’s adept at clearing out negative energies by flushing toxins, not only from your body but also your life in general. It works closely with those grounding chakras to keep you safe and steady on your feet and less likely to slip into traps of self-doubt and jealousy and all those traits that can get in the way of forging a close-knit bond with your loved one.

Garnet is a highly uplifting stone with its rich colors and warming glow you cannot help but feel supported and nurtured by its deep healing properties. It’s an amazing talisman to have close for those times you may feel the need to be balanced out. It keeps you off the emotional roller-coaster by ensuring that your self-esteem is high enough to make healthy choices and that you approach life from a positive point of view.

For those who often find themselves lost to a feeling of crisis, the Garnet is here to talk you down off that existential and emotional ledge. It kicks your survival instinct into touch, ensuring that no matter what trouble is brewing, that you are at your best and ever equipped to handle it.

Physical Healing Properties

For those who have low libido or issues around physical intimacy, bringing the Garnet stone into your life could be the best solution for kick-starting your sexual prowess. A powerfully sexual stone, the Garnet isn’t afraid to light a fire in your loins, bring a sweep of energy, and help you to feel ready to ask for what you want and need between the sheets.

Radiating with warmth and the color of rich blood, Garnet is also a glorious stone for helping flush out body toxins and keep circulation strong. It’s a stone that wants to keep your blood flowing, your heart beating, and your metabolism working to the best of its ability. For those seeking a stone that will help their body absorb much-needed nutrients, Garnet is your guy.

Metaphysical Properties

One of the main spiritual gifts you get from the glow of the Garnet is that grounding force from your root chakras. Our base chakra is one of the most important chakras as it keeps us feeling safe and tethered rather than floating in space. When we feel safe, we are able to make choices that are connected to our authentic well-being. The Garnet also works well on the sacral chakra, which is the base of all our creativity and even our sexual selves. If you are seeking to stir up your chi and let light flow across your chakras, the Garnet is an amulet of amazing passion.


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