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Sunstone Tower


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1 in stock

Sunstone is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open, benevolent, and willing to bestow blessings upon others. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and enjoyment of life.

  • Measurement – 8.5″ or 21.5CM
  • Fair Trade
  • Quality Guaranteed


Sunstone is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open, benevolent, and willing to bestow blessings upon others. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and enjoyment of life.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

  • Boosts your sense of self-empowerment
  • Helps clear negative energy

Step into self-empowerment and learn to own lashings of personal power as you say yes to the warming glow of the Sunstone. As one of the best healing stones for seasonal affective disorder, the Sunstone is an instant mood brightener. It’s an excellent choice for those who struggle to stick to boundaries. Sunstone shines its light and makes it easy to speak your truth, use your No when you need it, and cut you off from co-dependent behavior.

Sunstone infuses you with worthiness, it hits all the right notes for ensuring that negative energies melt away and you are left with the radiance of optimism and a positive can-do attitude. While Sunstone is known for its bright sense of optimism that doesn’t mean that it coats everything with a rosy hue. This stone knows that for a healthy and balanced mindset, it’s important to have a full spectrum of emotions, but it also knows that emotional intelligence comes from feeling rooted in self-worth, confidence, and the knowledge that no matter what happens you will find a spot of light in which to persevere.

Physical Healing Properties

  • Helps with rheumatism and joint pain
  • Encourages healthy metabolism

Just like standing in the sunlight brings a sense of life and convalescence, the Sunstone too, knows how to immediately pick you up and put you on the path to strength and self-empowerment. For those who struggle with seasonal affective disorder, Sunstone can be just the extra dose of mental vitamin D you need to chase away those darker days. For those who suffer from problems like chronic sore throats, stomach tension, ulcers, or any issues that connect to the digestive system and metabolism. Since ancient times, this bright light stone has been used to help the body heal, whether from rheumatism and joint pain or even from cramps and fevers, the shimmer of Sunstone wants you in tip-top shape.

Metaphysical Properties

  • Balances the sacral chakra.
  • Connects with the heart chakra

Just like the sunlight chasing away shadows, the Sunstone is a cleanser of negative energy and is ever ready to get to work on shifting blocks from your chakras. This is a stone that shares its color cycles with the sacral chakra, the place that houses your unique inner chi. This is where your life force flows and where your sensuality and pleasure in experiencing the world sits. When our sacral chakra is cracked open we are able to communicate with ease, move with inner grace, and laugh with freedom. Sunstone also connects with the heart chakra, the place that teaches us how to give and receive love only and how to form healthy relationships and bonds with those who bring equilibrium and the right kind of energy to our life. It teaches us how to trust. Speaking of trust, Sunstone can also help us to clear our third eye chakra too, the place of our deep wisdom and intuition.


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