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Tree Agate Tower


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2 in stock

Tree-Agate is a stone of inner peace. When you’re in possession of this stone, you will feel your nerves calm down and your body relax. You will also enjoy a lightness in your heart, mind, and spirit. This makes it an excellent meditation stone.

  • Measurement – 4″ or 10CM
  • Fair Trade
  • Quality Guaranteed


Tree-Agate is a stone of inner peace. When you’re in possession of this stone, you will feel your nerves calm down and your body relax. You will also enjoy a lightness in your heart, mind, and spirit. This makes it an excellent meditation stone.

Just as a dappled forest may bring calmness, so it’s said tree agate brings a sense of peace and inner tranquility to wearers. This gemstone helps individuals look inside for self-examination, which also may result in a calm demeanor. Agate in general is said to be a stone that promotes inner stability, making tree agate an amplified version. Tree agate is also believed to boost the immune system and balance water in the body.

Agate gemstones in general are believed to have quiet energy associated with the heart chakra. Agate strengthens relationships, promotes composure, and offers a warm, protective quality to the wearer.

Tree-Agate, Healing, and Health

Tree-Agate can help with ailments affecting the nerves and the blood capillaries. It can also help in lowering blood pressure.

It’s a stone especially beneficial to people who have neuralgia. This stone can boost the body’s natural immune system.

It’s also a good stone to have when you’re pregnant because it can encourage lactation and help new mothers deal with the baby blues.

It is an effective stone when it comes to aligning the vertebra in certain skeletal disorders. It can also help in the treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system.

It can also help in the treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system.

Tree-Agate can be beneficial to the heart and the blood vessels. It can stimulate the veins and the capillaries of the circulatory system.

The healing properties of the stone can strengthen cardiac muscles and the chest. It can also work to alleviate back pain caused by tension and stress.

Tree-Agate can be used to cure fevers, relieve headaches, and stimulate the digestive system.

Tree-Agate and Wealth

Is the stone of plentitude.

It will bring energies of fullness and abundance in all areas of your life, especially when it comes to financial matters.

It will bring luck to your business and financial endeavors to ensure that you will get wonderful and plentiful rewards.

It will also help you connect to the natural cycles of life and open up the flow of prosperity and abundance!

The energies of this stone will give you a sense of security about where you are financially, even if you are experiencing troubles in your finances.

You are confident that you will be able to overcome your challenges!

You will remain unruffled by your financial setbacks because you know that everyone experiences these kinds of problems one way or another.

You know that they are all a part of your financial growth.

Tree-Agate, Love, and Relationships

The energies of Tree-Agate and Turritella Agate will ease your emotional pain and help resolve your emotional problems.

If you are experiencing a difficult period in your relationship, you will benefit from the healing energies of this stone.

Tree-Agate will dissolve conflicts, disagreements, and quarrels. It will get rid of the antagonism, the hostility, and the animosity.

The stone will make room for more positivity in your relationship.

There will be more demonstrations of love, and there will be more kindness and forgiveness.

You will be inspired to take the initiative when it comes to intimacy and romance.

When you’re overcome with your romantic or sexual feelings, you will not hesitate to do something about it!

When you feel like engulfing your loved one in a bear hug or kissing them right there in the middle of the street, you will give in to the feelings and make your partner feel how much they are loved and desired.

Tree-Agate will help you overcome your negative emotions and bring in more love and positivity into your relationship.

These negative feelings don’t do anything to grow yourself or your relationship, so you’re truly better off without them!

It will dissolve feelings of arrogance and pride, and it will make room for more humility and gratitude. The energies of this stone will inspire you to have a gentle and meek heart.

Tree-Agate will promote inner stability, maturity, and composure.

There will be times in your relationship when things will not be okay. Your love life will not always be happy and romantic.

When that happens, you need to demonstrate strength and maturity in mind and heart. You will need to demonstrate the maturity to overcome any kind of romantic challenge.

Tree-Agate will give you self-confidence and a sense of security.

It will make you feel happy and secure to be in a solid relationship, and it will do a lot of good things for your self-esteem.

The energies of Tree-Agate will also help with healing emotional disharmony.

It will make you focus on the negative things that you need to eliminate from your relationship so that it will truly flourish.

Tree-Agate will give you the courage to let love into your heart so that you will experience a different kind of happiness, inspiration, and satisfaction.

It will encourage you to allow yourself to be loved so that you can also better love others!

The energies of Tree-Agate will give you breathing space from your emotional strain.

It will also help you remove the bitterness in your heart and heal from the pain and anger. Tree-Agate will help you foster love and happiness in your heart.

When things don’t work out in the way that you desire, Tree-Agate will give you the courage to start over.

It will make you realize things about yourself that will help you become a better partner.

Tree-Agate will help you deal with the changing flows of your relationship and understand why they have to happen. It will also give you the wisdom and emotional maturity to accept the changes.


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