Healing and Health Its energies can keep you feeling alert and energized, and it can dispel and soothe dizziness and anxiety. This crystal is an excellent healing crystal that will boost the immune system and help you recover quickly from illnesses and infections.
Healing and Health Its energies can keep you feeling alert and energized, and it can dispel and soothe dizziness and anxiety. This crystal is an excellent healing crystal that will boost the immune system and help you recover quickly from illnesses and infections.
Healing and Health Its energies can keep you feeling alert and energized, and it can dispel and soothe dizziness and anxiety. This crystal is an excellent healing crystal that will boost the immune system and help you recover quickly from illnesses and infections.
Maligano jasper protects you against negativity and is also an excellent grounding crystal. It not only stabilizes the aura but also balances the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the ethereal.
Maligano jasper protects you against negativity and is also an excellent grounding crystal. It not only stabilizes the aura but also balances the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies with the ethereal.
One of green moss agate's meanings is that it encourages a sense of tranquillity and emotional balance. It's said to be extremely helpful to those experiencing a strong sense of aggression or any other overwhelming emotions. Moss agate brings calm and helps draw us closer to nature
Maligano Jasper transforms our spirit from within and provides an aura that can closely resemble a “rebirth” effect. This pushes one to not only continue shedding layers of themselves but also to begin questioning their surroundings and interactions daily.
Maligano Jasper transforms our spirit from within and provides an aura that can closely resemble a “rebirth” effect. This pushes one to not only continue shedding layers of themselves but also to begin questioning their surroundings and interactions daily.
Out of stockGrape Agate is a tranquil and gentle stone. It promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. It's warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It allows for deep and intense levels of meditation in a short period of time..
Druzy is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear.
Druzy is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear.
Druzy is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear.